Quick Look Barriers Checklist- to help evaluate building conditions and any accessibility changes needed. Businesses, including doctors' offices, stores, restaurants, and government buildings, including courts, schools, town halls, have had to comply with Americans with Disabilities Act accessibility requirements since 1992.

Please complete this survey of any building that you enter, mention your findings to the owners, and email, or phone in the results. By doing so, You can make a difference! Thank you!

Business name__________________________________________________________________

Business address________________________________________________________________

Owner and owner's phone, (if known)______________________________________________

(Optional) Your name_______________________________Your phone___________________




1. Are there 96" wide accessible parking spaces designated with a 60" access aisle? _______ _______
2. Are accessible parking places as close as possible to the accessible entrance? _______ _______
3. Are there barriers blocking the route to the entrance (e.g., curbs, medians, planters)? _______ _______

If so, please indicate what the barrier is _________________________________________________________

4. Is there a curbcut that is completely flush (no raised lip)? _______ _______
5. If there are stairs, is there also a ramp with a slope no steeper than 1:12 and with railings on both sides? _______ _______
6. Is the entrance doorway at least 32 inches wide, for a wheelchair? _______ _______
7. Is the door easy to open (less than 8 lbs pressure)? _______ _______
8. Is the door handle lever type & easy to open with a closed fist? _______ _______
9. Are other than revolving doors available? _______ _______
10. Are accessible doors unlocked? _______ _______
11. Are there signs telling where accessible entrances are? _______ _______




1. Once inside, are the hallways wide enough (36 inches) for a wheelchair? _______ _______
2. Is the path of travel free of obstruction and wide enough for wheelchairs between desks, tables, etc.? _______ _______
3. Is the floor surface hard and not slippery? _______ _______
4. Do obstacles (phones, fountains) protrude no more than 4 inches? _______ _______
5. Is there an elevator or wheelchair lift to allow a person in a wheelchair to get to the other floors? _______ _______
6. Can a wheelchair user access all services (e.g., all tables, court hearings, bathroom)? _______ _______
7. If not, what is the barrier preventing access? _______ _______
8. Are there any policies for providing services to people who cannot reach the upper levels? _______ _______
9. Are elevator controls low enough (48") to be reached from a wheelchair? _______ _______
10. Are elevator markings in Braille? _______ _______
11. Does elevator provide a turning area of 51" for wheelchairs? _______ _______
12. Are doorway thresholds no more than 1/2" high and beveled? _______ _______




1. Are restrooms near building entrance? _______ _______
2. Do doors have lever handles? _______ _______
3. Are doors at least 32" wide? _______ _______
4. Is restroom large enough for wheelchair turnaround ( 51" min.)? _______ _______
5. Are stall doors at least 32" wide? _______ _______
6. Are horizontal grab bars provided in toilet stalls? _______ _______
7. Are sinks at least 30" high with room for wheelchair to roll under? _______ _______
8. Are sink handles easily reached and used? _______ _______
9. Are soap and towel dispensers no more than 48" from floor? _______ _______


(732) 291-4257